Why work with stones?

A little more about this offering

This is an opportunity to take our relationship with stones to a deeper place. Many of us are drawn to pick up stones that catch our attention on walks, perhaps we feel called to collect them, or sometimes we are gifted a "special stone" and it lives with us for years without knowing exactly Why. In this offering, you are invited to explore that Why. We learn how to glean information from their geological make up, how they appear, and where they were found. We also find how we might engage in dialogue with them for personal insights, how to bring them into our spiritual practices, and even tend to our own healing by cultivating a relationship with the stones we find in nature, around our home, or have gifted to us.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Laying the Foundation

    • What is Stone Medicine?

    • A little about Cairns

    • Finding a Stone

  • 02

    A Grounded Understanding

  • 03

    Building Solid Layers

    • Actively Working with Stone Medicine

    • Reciprocal Relationship

    • Cultural Heritage

    • Integration

Juliette Jarvis

Meet your facilitator

As a bean feasa living in qathet, I work with the medicines within the beautiful traditional lands of the Coast Salish people as well as the traditions of my Scottish and Irish ancestors.

People come to me for personal healing work, to attend ceremonies, and to establish an animistic, earth-centered, westernized 'shamanic' way of living. Online supports for your spiritual practice through videos, audio recordings, magazine articles, and discussion groups are also available.

My journey into this practice began in 2007 with an intensive 3 year practitioner apprenticeship for those with Celtic ancestry. By January 2013 I was offering community gatherings, workshops, and monthly spirit journey circles in both Squamish and North Vancouver BC. In 2015 a small focus group formed of dedicated attendees wanting to deepen their soul tending experiences, and I expanded my training with Sandra Ingerman's two Shamanic Teacher courses before the focus group evolved into two, full year long, initiatory immersion programs (Shamanic Living and Shamanic Medicine Ways). In 2019, out of consideration for the origins of shamanism, these programs were merged into a single two year offering and re-named as the "Return to Reverence Immersion" I've been on hiatus from teaching since 2020, and began to include the Irish and Scottish practice of Keening within ceremonial work in 2022. Currently I offer only limited one to one sessions and community gatherings while I focus on my devotional arts practice and learning the traditional skills of my heritage; spinning, weaving, growing flax, working with natural dye plants and ceramics.

This allows me to create ritual wear, sacred cloth, ceremonial ceramics, spirit dolls, talismans, and string magic, to facilitate soul tending work for my community. To find these offerings please visit the www.SelkieSanctuary.com

The online programs and self-paced courses that you find here are my response to growing interest outside of my region, and now also include the Devotional Arts Program offered through the Selkie Sanctuary.

I hope you will find supportive teachings, guidance in reclaiming your cultural heritage, and a deeper sense of connection with the natural world, the spirit realms, and to yourself within these offerings.


Juliette Jarvis (née Woods)

Animist & Spiritual Teacher